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A street Beggar

A beggar who begs in the street, is called a street beggar. He is seen sitting or standing everywhere in the street of towns or cities. A street beggar looks very shabby. His hair is unbrashed and without oil. He is seen in patched up and torn clothes. His clothes are very dirty and bad smell emits from his clothes. Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes in a company. A street beggar may be able-bodied, blind, lame or crippled. A street beggar has a bag hanging down his shoulder. When a passer-by walks past him, he stretches his begging bowl for alms. Sometime he is seen reciting some sentences of the Holy Quran or the Kalema and asks for money in the name of Allah and his holy prophet. A street beggar  prays for the passers-by who help him. Actually there is no pleasure(happiness) in his life. The beggars are always ill-fated.

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