Traveling means to go from one place
to another on foot or by any kind of vehicle the situation allows. Man is by
nature a traveling or mobile being. It is, so to speak, his inborn habit and
interest to know the unknown, to see the unseen. Traveling is an important way
to gain knowledge and acquire education. It gives the first hand knowledge to
the traveler and the books give the second hand knowledge. Bookish knowledge be
obtained from reading books and practical knowledge can be gathered from
traveling. It makes history real. To read about the battle of palassy is
one thing and to see the scene of our humiliation is another thing. Traveling
also gives us a true conception of the geographical, geological and
mineralogical resources of our earth. It creates in us the desire for
investigation, exploration and discovery.
Great article. Useful information. Nice explanations. Thanks for Posting.
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