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My Best Friend

A friend is one, who has the feelings of friendship. We can't go in this age of global relationship without friendship. A good friend is a heavenly bliss to us. I have a good friend. He is Rebel by name. I have known him for more than seven years. At school from a hard quarrel our friendship started. He quarreled with me for a specific ground, but I was very cruel to him. Even I hit him seriously, but he didn't take it otherwise. In spite of reverse attitude, he remained calm and quiet. It pulled me near him and at last, he has become my best friend. He is a boy of mild nature. He doesn't talk to others unnecessarily. He doesn't harm others. There are many good qualities in him. Honesty, modesty, politeness, sincerity, mildness, orientation to reading books and the liking are the qualities available in my friend. The feelings that he shows me is undoubtedly genuine and bonafide. This great feeling of friendship made us two best fiends. Infact, we are apples of eyes of each other.

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  1. not bad but dnt u think rebel is to odd for a name!!!


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