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A Street Hawker

A street hawker is a person who moves from place to place to sell his goods. Generally, he leads a very simple life. He carries his goods on head. Sometimes he carries his goods in hand too. He is very cunning.

 Write a paragraph about ‘A Street Hawker’ answering the following questions.
(a) Who is a street hawker?
(b) Where do we find him? 
(c) What does he sell? 
(d) How does he attract the attention of customers? 
(e) How is his economic condition? 
A Street Hawker
A street hawker is a person who moves from place to place to sell his goods. Generally, he leads a very simple life. He carries his goods on head. Sometimes he carries his goods in hand too. He is very cunning. We usually find him at street, railway station and bus stand. Sometimes, he comes in front of the house. He is generally seen in the morning. Sometimes he sells newspapers. Sometimes he also sells toys, fruits, clothes and vegetables etc. His main customers are children and women. He knows well how to attract the customers. He speaks in many ways to attract the customers. Sometimes he sings songs or plays on flute. A street hawker is very poor. He lives from hand to mouth. He works hard but he can not get rid of his poor condition. He is really neglected in the society. We should respect to his hard labor.

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