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What is Microbial World?

Microbial world 

Can we realize the existence of thousands of microorganisms in the air around us?
Number of invisible organisms outnumbers greatly the organisms that can be seen by bare eyes.
Microbes cannot be seen with naked eyes. So, microscopes are needed to see them.
Virus cannot be seen under a light microscope. To see virus particles electron microscope is needed.
Whittaker and Margulis proposed to place microorganisms under Monera, Protista and
Fungi kingdoms according to five kingdom classifications. Now the microbiologists
classify the microorganisms into three kingdoms.

Kingdoms of Microbial Word:

Kingdom – 1: Akaryota or Acellular: These organisms are so small that they cannot be seen even under a light microscope. An electron microscope is needed to observe them, such as – Virus. 

Kingdom – 2: Prokaryota or Primitive celled: Members of this kingdom do not have well organized nucleus. Cell without organized nucleus is termed primitive cell, such as Bacteria.

Kingdom – 3: Eukaryota or True Celled: Microbes having true cells are called 
Eukaryota. Algae, Fungi and Protozoa are Eukaryotic microbes.

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